SoHo Broadway Partner : The MTA is holding hearings about the Central Business District Tolling Program on March 1 & 4, 2024
SoHo Broadway Partner: Rules released for New York City’s new permanent outdoor dining program
SoHo Broadway Partner: Whether you’re a seasoned community advocate or looking to get involved for the first time, your contribution is valuable – apply to your local community board today!
SoHo Broadway Partner: Mandatory containerization rules being extended to all businesses, regardless of size
SoHo Broadway Partner: New programs provide free tax preparation services for gig workers, freelancers and small business owners
SoHo Broadway Partner: Safeguard Residential and Commercial Buildings from Burglary
SoHo Broadway Partner: NYC DOT seeks to modernize the city’s curb lanes to serve the many needs of New Yorkers in a more equitable way
SoHo Broadway Partner: Get wtarted with composting by taking the Pumpkin Pledge with the Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board
SoHo Broadway Partner: SBS is connecting business owners with work-authorized employees, including new migrants and asylum seekers
SoHo Broadway Partner: A new one-stop-shop small business portal to save both time and money
SoHo Broadway Partner: A funding platform with access to advisors for local businesses
SoHo Broadway Partner: Rules streamline agency procedures to support key business initiatives and climate resiliency and sustainability updates
SoHo Broadway Partner: Join the Great Broadway Sweep and help clean up The World’s Most Famous Street
SoHo Broadway Partner: As of August 1, 2023, all food-related businesses in NYC must use rigid containers with secure lids when setting out trash for collection
SoHo Broadway Partner: Find the licenses and permits your business needs with a customized list
SoHo Broadway Partner: M-CORE provides tax benefits to support transformative renovations
SoHo Broadway Partner: Get DOB support for your projects passing through through the City’s pipeline!
SoHo Broadway Partner: Free forum hosted by the Pace University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and the US Small Business Administration (SBA)
SoHo Broadway Partner: Attend a Community Council or Build the Block meeting to learn more about local issues and share your concerns
SoHo Broadway Partner: New rules intended to reduce the time that trash, recycling, and curbside composting will sit on sidewalks
Soho Broadway Partner: Applications now open for 350 small business grants of $5,000 to eligible businesses
SoHo Broadway Partner: New rules intended to reduce the time that trash, recycling, and curbside composting will sit on sidewalks
SoHo Broadway Partner: Limited, one-time amnesty with up to 100% of interest forgiveness; save now on your water bill!
SoHo Broadway Partner: Fund delivers flexible, affordable capital and free business support services to small business owners
Rat Mitigation Resources for Building Owners, Businesses & Residents