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Have you noticed a change at the intersection of Broadway and Houston? We are not talking about the scaffolding that is going up, it’s more subtle than that. Once a prime spot for pedestrian and traffic congestion this intersection is seeing necessary improvements. The pedestrian signal along Houston (east/west) has been changed to allow pedestrians to […]

Corner power-washing continues this month.  Based on feedback from stakeholders, we have moved to semi-monthly cleanings.  We generally have cleanings on the second Monday/Tuesday and the fourth Monday/Tuesday of the month from April through November. For July there will be power washing on:  July 11, 12, 15 and 16.  ACE power-washes each corner and all […]

We invite you to join us at the SoHo Broadway Initiative’s 2nd Annual Meeting Please join area residents, business leaders, employees and key stakeholders to celebrate our vibrant mixed use community and the Initiative’s achievements over the past year. At this year’s meeting the Initiative is hosting a panel discussion entitled SoHo Broadway Visionaries that […]

In February and March, the Initiative surveyed the SoHo Broadway community to learn more about the impact of its programs and the needs of the community. The Initiative is pleased to release the 2016 SoHo Broadway Community Survey Report. The Initiative uses the survey responses and the report to improve our programs, initiative discussions with […]

The Initiative is pleased to welcome Frank Wessels to the SoHo Broadway Initiative. Frank joined the Initiative at the end of May. He’s a retired Detective from the New York City Police Department and most recently served as a Public Safety Supervisor at the New School. The Initiative is excited to have Frank join our […]

The Initiative is seeking nominees for Class C Residential Tenants to serve on the Initiative’s Board of Directors. A Class C member is any person who is an occupant pursuant to a lease of a dwelling unit or a proprietary lease of a residential cooperative unit. Board members are expected to attend quarterly board meetings, […]

The SoHo Broadway Initiative is pleased to invite residents of the SoHo Broadway corridor to our first meeting of the Residential Affinity Group on Tuesday, June 15 at 7pm. An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest, in this case residents interested in improving the SoHo Broadway corridor. The Initiative hopes to […]

Corner power-washing continues this month. Based on feedback from stakeholders, we have moved to semi-monthly cleanings. We generally have cleanings on the second Monday/Tuesday and the fourth Monday/Tuesday of the month from April through November. For June there will be power washing on: June 13, 14, 27 and 28. ACE power-washes each corner and all […]

Members of the SoHo Broadway community are invited to attend our 2nd Annual Meeting. Time: Monday, June 20th from 6pm to 8pm Location: Scholastic, 557 Broadway *between Prince and Spring. Please join the SoHo Broadway Initiative as we bring together residents, business leaders, employees and key stakeholders from the SoHo Broadway community to celebrate the end of […]

Corner power-washing continues this month.  Based on feedback from stakeholders, we are moving to semi-monthly cleanings.  We will generally have cleanings on the second Monday/Tuesday and the fourth Monday/Tuesday of the month from April through November. For May there will be power washing on:  May 9, 10, 23, 24.  ACE power-washes each corner and all […]

The NYPD has informed the Initiative about a recent uptick in burglaries targeting SoHo Broadway office buildings. For those of you managing or working in offices along the SoHo Broadway corridor the New York City Police Department suggests taking the following precautions to secure your office: Elevators to loft offices should be disabled at night […]

The SoHo Broadway Initiative is pleased to release a Request for Proposal for a consultant to develop a two-page district profile template that will include a summary of key district facts and metrics. The district profile will be a communications tool targeting the public and private sectors that demonstrates the impact of the SoHo Broadway […]

The SoHo Broadway Initiative is pleased to release a Request for Proposal.  The Initiative seeks to hire a consultant to develop a guidebook on the M1-5B zoning found within the the District and to use publicly available data to develop a land use profile of the district. Proposals in response to the District Mapping RFP are due by […]

Way to show your Love SoHo Broadway! When we asked for some love, the SoHo Broadway community came through in a big way. 476 surveys were completed, an increase of 301 surveys or 172% more than from 2015. The Initiative added 120 subscribers (an increase of 12%!) to our email list while the Community Survey […]

Corner power-washing resumes this month.  Based on feedback from stakeholders, we are moving to semi-monthly cleanings.  We will generally have cleanings on the second Monday/Tuesday and the fourth Monday/Tuesday of the month from April through November. For April there will be power washing on:  4/11 and 4/12 followed by 4/25 and 4/26.  ACE power-washes each […]

It’s that time of year again, please mark Monday, June 20, 2016 on your calendar for the SoHo Broadway Initiative’s 2nd Annual Meeting. The Initiative is busy working on an exciting program and is looking forward to the opportunity to update the SoHo Broadway community on what we are working on.

The SoHo Broadway Initiative invites you to take the 2016 Community Survey! (survey now closed) This is your chance to evaluate our work and share your priorities for the SoHo Broadway corridor. For each survey completed, $25 is donated to God’s Love We Deliver by this year’s Survey Sponsors. God’s Love We Deliver, is a […]

The Initiative is pleased to announce that the SoHo Broadway Vending Guidebook is now available in hard copy and for download. The guidebook is a handy resource for property owners, retailers, residents and vendors within the SoHo Broadway Initiative’s business improvement district. The Vending Guidebook provides a summary of laws and rules that apply to […]

Broadway during Winter Storm Jonas 2016-Photo: Anders Holst On Saturday, January 23rd, the New York area welcomed Winter Storm Jonas. After all was said and done, the storm left 26.8” of snow in Central Park, the second highest snowfall in New York City’s history. For a brief moment, New York City came to a standstill, […]

Did you ever wonder why there are times when bags of garbage seem to stay in front of buildings for days?  Chances are garbage or recycling was placed out for pick up on a day when Department of Sanitation (“DSNY”) residential collection was suspended due to a holiday being observed. Don’t worry the Initiative is […]

In spite of the recent unseasonably warm weather in December, winter precipitation in the Northeast is likely to arrive in January, February and March. Residents and businesses should prepare to be safe and patient as streets and transportation will be effected. As winter weather begins and as conditions allow, the SoHo Broadway Initiative  and its […]

The Initiative is excited to announce that David “Bill” Decker has joined the Initiative as its Director of Operations.  Bill recently retired after a distinguished career with the New York City Police Department where he was most recently served as a Sergeant prior to joining the Initiative. Bill will be leading the Initiative’s Public Safety […]

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Information Session on November 5th where the Initiative updated the public on its efforts and presented its Draft Curb Vending Regulation Maps. The Initiative presented information on how the maps were created and the rules that govern sidewalk vendors seeking to operate in the district.  […]

Each year, we read stories about the throngs of shoppers who flock to stores to shop on Black Friday for the holiday season.  Last year, Broadway started off quietly but by 11am the sidewalks were full of shoppers and visitors.  This year, we can expect much of the same. Here are some tips to make […]

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Information Session on November 5th where the Initiative updated the public on its efforts and presented its Draft Curb Vending Regulation Maps. Please download Minutes of the Information Session and the Meeting Packet (includes District Vendor Curb Regulation Map- Mapping Methodology and 1st draft of Curb Vending Regulation […]

Manhattan Community Board 2 SoHo Broadway Neighborhood

Manhattan Community Board No. 2 – Meeting March 20, 2025

Manhattan Community Board #2 Manhattan is one of the first community boards to be established in the early 1960’s. One of Soho Broadway Community Neighborhood Resources

Monument Historique: 19Th Century Photographs By Séraphin-Médéric Mieusement

Closing-Monument Historique: 19Th Century Photographs By Séraphin-Médéric Mieusement

WESTWOOD GALLERY NYC presents Monument Historique: 19Th Century Photographs

Mulberry Street Writers’ Workshop at Mulberry St Library

Mulberry Street Writers’ Workshop (Spring 2025) at Mulberry St Library at the Mulberry Street Branch NYPL

Sin Wai Kin’s The End Time! at Canal Projects

CLOSING-The End Time! Sin Wai Kin

Sin Wai Kin The End Time 2025 at Canal Projects

Stay Tuned! More events to come.

Connect With Us Soho Broadway.

We send monthly newsletters and helpful email updates for residents, office workers, businesses, property owners and managers and other members of the SoHo Broadway community.