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SoHo Broadway History: Men’s clothing store was among first to occupy the beautiful building at 459 Broadway

SoHo Broadway History: The building’s distinct architectural style commands an exceptional presence in the district

LPC has created a new, dedicated Recovery Team and hotline tohelp owners of historic buildings and commercial tenants resumebusiness operations (like restaurants) as quickly and effectivelyas possible. LPC and the recovery team have launched an expedited review process and accompanying application form for certain work types related to reopening to help the city in the […]

A look beyond the boundary of the original designated SoHo Cast Iron Historic District

Pierre Paulin: Action House November 16, 2024–February 15, 2025

Closing: Pierre Paulin: Action House at Judd Foundation

Judd Foundation presents Pierre Paulin: Action House at Judd Foundation

Douglas Dunn + Dancers Two-week season February 19 - March 1

Douglas Dunn + Dancers at Judson Church

Douglas Dunn + Dancers present BODY / SHADOW and L’Embarquement pour Cythère

After Hours: TYLin-The Architectural League of New York

After Hours: TYLin

After Hours: TYLin-The Architectural League of New York

Manhattan Community Board 2 SoHo Broadway Neighborhood

Manhattan Community Board No. 2 – Meeting February 20, 2025

Manhattan Community Board #2 Manhattan is one of the first community boards to be established in the early 1960’s. One of Soho Broadway Community Neighborhood Resources

Douglas Dunn + Dancers Two-week season February 19 - March 1

Final Performance: Douglas Dunn + Dancers at Judson Church

Douglas Dunn + Dancers present L’Embarquement pour Cythère

Monument Historique: 19Th Century Photographs By Séraphin-Médéric Mieusement

Closing-Monument Historique: 19Th Century Photographs By Séraphin-Médéric Mieusement

WESTWOOD GALLERY NYC presents Monument Historique: 19Th Century Photographs

Stay Tuned! More events to come.

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