What can you expect to get at NYCI? A detailed view of your body from your body’s own log.
Every organ in your body connects with one or both Irides (brown or blue part of the eye) displaying what’s going on with that organ. Find out where your weak spots are (like, your mother’s weak heart or digestive issues), exactly where that elusive inflammation or other condition is locused, which organs are over or underactive, are internal injuries from that accident healing properly…and a lot else.
Start with Iridology’s thorough, non-intrusive assessment. Go confidently into that health regimen knowing exactly what’s going on in your body.
540 Broadway, Suite 310
New York, NY 10012
Phone Number:
(212) 968-0230
Hours & Availability:
M - F: 12PM - 7PM
Saturday and evening hours by special appointment.