In 2024, the Initiative surveyed SoHo Broadway community members to gather feedback about the organization’s impact and gain a greater understanding of our stakeholders’ concerns and priorities.
The Initiative will use the survey responses and the Community Survey Report as we develop community programs and improve public spaces along the corridor. Survey responses will inform discussions with SoHo Broadway community members and local partners. Responses also help to facilitate dialogue about future efforts of the Initiative.
Over 170 surveys were completed by those who live in, work in, or own property in SoHo Broadway as well as those visit from outside the neighborhood. The Initiative thanks each person who took the time to share their feedback on how the Initiative can continue to improve the SoHo Broadway corridor. Three lucky survey takers were chosen at random to receive a $100 gift card to the district business of their choice!
Download the report here:
2024 Community Survey Summary Report
Broadway Community programming