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On June 18th, 2019, the SoHo Broadway community gathered for the 5th Annual Meeting of the SoHo Broadway Initiative.

Come hear your fellow SoHo Broadway creators, entrepreneurs, historians, sustainability experts, artists, and neighborhood stewards tell their stories through 5-minute visual presentations at our 5th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, June 18th, 5:45 p.m. at Boxed (28 Mercer Street, 2nd Floor). RSVP and become a member here. Member registration closes Friday, June 14th. Featuring presentations by: […]

Do you know someone worthy of being honored for their involvement in our community? To be considered for recognition, please complete the Nomination Form no later than May 17, 2019.

Save the Date! The SoHo Broadway Initiative’s 2019 Annual Meeting is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, June 18.

What do you want to share with your neighbors in the SoHo Broadway community?

The SoHo Broadway Initiative is pleased to invite residents of the SoHo Broadway corridor to our second Residential Affinity Group Meeting on Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm. An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest, in this case residents interested in improving the SoHo Broadway corridor. The Initiative is organizing several affinity […]

Manhattan Community Board 2 SoHo Broadway Neighborhood

Manhattan Community Board No. 2 – Meeting Thurs, October 24

Manhattan Community Board #2 Manhattan is one of the first community boards to be established in the early 1960’s. One of Soho Broadway Community Neighborhood Resources

Washington Square Park Dog Halloween

Washington Square Park Dog Halloween Parade & Contest

Washington Square Park Dog Halloween Parade & Contest

Steve Silver: Empirical Horizons,

Closing: Steve Silver: Empirical Horizons at Westwood Gallery

WESTWOOD GALLERY NYC presents Steve Silver: Empirical Horizons

SoHo Broadway Initiative 10th Annual Meeting - November 20th, 2024 6 p.m.

SoHo Broadway Initiative 10th Annual Meeting on November 20th, 2024

Join fellow area residents, business leaders, and other stakeholders to celebrate our mixed-use community and the Initiative’s efforts and achievements during Fiscal Year 2024 while looking toward the future.

Douglas Dunn & Christopher Williams present SALON LUTE

Douglas Dunn & Christopher Williams present SALON LUTE Nov. 22

Douglas Dunn and Christopher Williams along with producers James Klosty and Alison Granucci, offer Salon Lute, an evening of new dances, poetry, and song featuring music for Baroque lute and theorbo by French composers Denis Gaultier.

Douglas Dunn & Christopher Williams present SALON LUTE

Douglas Dunn & Christopher Williams present SALON LUTE Nov. 23

Douglas Dunn and Christopher Williams along with producers James Klosty and Alison Granucci, offer Salon Lute, an evening of new dances, poetry, and song featuring music for Baroque lute and theorbo by French composers Denis Gaultier.

Douglas Dunn & Christopher Williams present SALON LUTE

Douglas Dunn & Christopher Williams present SALON LUTE Nov. 24

Douglas Dunn and Christopher Williams along with producers James Klosty and Alison Granucci, offer Salon Lute, an evening of new dances, poetry, and song featuring music for Baroque lute and theorbo by French composers Denis Gaultier.

Saturday, December 7 Carrie Mae Weems

Carrie Mae Weems -The Architectural League of NY

Carrie Mae Weems: The influential artist presents her work in a public lecture. – The Architectural League of NY

Tiny Grains: Chinatown Forever Changed, Forever Changing by Edward Cheng

CLOSING: Tiny Grains: Chinatown Forever Changed, Forever Changing at Pearl River Mart SoHo

CLOSING EXHIBITION-Tiny Grains: Chinatown Forever Changed, Forever Changing by Edward Cheng at Pearl River Mart SoHo

Stay Tuned! More events to come.

Connect With Us Soho Broadway.

We send monthly newsletters and helpful email updates for residents, office workers, businesses, property owners and managers and other members of the SoHo Broadway community.