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Sidewalk Cleaning Services Return to Crosby and Mercer Streets

SoHo Broadway Initiative: Expanded service from Clean Team launched in January

The Initiative is pleased to announce that our supplemental sanitation services have returned to Crosby and Mercer Street through the generous support of Council Member Christopher Marte, the Crosby Street Association and UNIQLO’s Spirit of SoHo street light banner campaign.

The services provided by the SoHo Broadway Clean Team (through the Initiative’s contract with ACE) include sweeping up of litter on the sidewalks, emptying trash cans, snow removal and graffiti removal along Crosby Street (from Houston to Howard) and Mercer Street (from Houston to Canal). Crosby and Mercer street are being serviced 7 hours per day (excluding the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays) with one clean member assigned to Crosby Street and another assigned to Mercer Street. Service launched in mid January and is expected to continue through the end of the calendar year, assuming funding continues to remain available.

Group photo of SoHo Broadway Clean Team members

If you have questions or are interested in providing financial support to clean these sections of Crosby or Mercer Street, please contact Executive Director, Mark Dicus (mdicus at sohobroadway.org).

Check-out a selection of photos of the Clean Team in action on Crosby & Mercer as well as some before/after shots of their impact below:

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