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Cast Iron Partner Award Recipient William Campaign

SoHo Broadway Community: Meet Detective William Campaign, Neighborhood Coordination Officer at the NYPD 5th Precinct

Detective William Campaign was among this year’s six Cast Iron Partner Award recipients for distinguished service to the community announced at SoHo Broadway Initiative’s 8th Annual Meeting and presented at the SoHo Broadway Holiday Social. We caught up with William to learn about what brought him to SoHo and his involvement in the community.

Year of arrival on SoHo Broadway: 2016

What brought you to SoHo Broadway? What do you do here?

Before I got transferred to 5th Precinct, I was part of Operation Impact in Midtown South and Times Square. At the time, upon completion of service in that program, officers had to transfer to a different area after 2 years. The Sergeant at the 5th Precinct learned I spoke Chinese and had me placed there; I have had great career here since.

In 2018, was placed in Neighborhood Coordination unit. Neighborhood Coordination Officers act as a liaison between the community and units in in the NYPD. We assist detective squads investigating major criminal complaints and try to address conditions the community brought brings forward to us. I work with the SoHo Broadway Initiative and many other organizations and community members.

What do you like about SoHo Broadway?

I love the fact that it is active, busy and has a diverse community.

What is your favorite SoHo Broadway memory or experience?

Believe it or not, it is being promoted to Detective because it was a big deal. My work in SoHo got me promoted in October 2021.

If you had 20 minutes, where would you go?

My partner would say the Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, but for me it was always the Amazon store, a fun place to play with gadgets. I also love McNally Jackson, one of last bookstores in the area.

What should we know about you outside of working here? What do you do for fun or are you looking forward to doing?

My wife and I enjoy active stuff like hiking. I enjoy the gym, movies and books. I’m currently reading Mike Matthews’ Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger, which is based on research into science behind training.

Interested in learning more about the NYPD 5th Precinct? Find information on their website about monthly Community Council meetings and contact information for Neighborhood Coordination Officers.

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