Title: NYC Mayor’s Clear Intersections Initiative
Organization: NYC Department of Transportation & NYPD Transport
Year of arrival on SoHo Broadway: I’ve been here at Broome for many years, but took leave in 2016, and am back to fend off gridlock in 2018 and beyond.
Address: Intersection of Broome Street and Broadway
What brought you to SoHo Broadway? What do you do here?
The NYC Department of Transportation crews recently brought me and my oeuvre of updated street signage and NYPD Transport officers to Broome Street and Broadway to make drivers aware of the city’s restrictions from blocking this intersection and enforcing a “no crowding rule.” It is important that I make and maintain space at this popular intersection to allow the public to cross safely and to ensure that my personal space remains clear of cars between light changes to avoid gridlock, improve traffic flows, and provide breathing room for myself and my fans. It’s not an easy job keeping this intersection clear, but my squad is up to the task.
What do you like about SoHo Broadway?
People watching! I see hundreds of thousands of people– from New Yorkers to those from all over the world. Just the other day, Liev Schrieber walked by! My residency here is exciting because I’m at one of the most bustling intersections in New York City– quite frankly, I am a hot ticket with sidewalks full of visitors pushing to catch a glimpse of my markings. Visitors often gaze at the historic buildings at my corners, fashionistas hug my edges waiting for cars and bicycles to pass by, and cars, well—they cross me at all hours of the day– except when they don’t. My ‘Don’t-Block-The-Box’ performance has proved to be an overwhelming effort at times, but I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I’m at the center of SoHo Broadway!
What is your favorite SoHo Broadway memory or experience?
My new look was revealed on the news and across social media. Styling a sleeker, more minimal look than previous years, I have traffic enforcers, new signage, and the people of New York City by my side. I’m back baby!
If you had 20 minutes, where would you go?
I would head up to Blick on Broadway and Bond Street for a tube of touchup paint to conceal any cracks or wear that may begin to show as a result of working so hard at what I love to do.
What should we know about you outside of working/living here? What do you do for fun or are you looking forward to doing?
When I am not performing to enforce a clear intersection, I like to lean back and just watch the reflection from the traffic signals reflect off various surfaces: the street, off scaffolding, or simply lighting up the faces of pedestrians in the dark. I find this very soothing after a long day of work.