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Teamwork in Action at Broadway and Broome

Traffic Enforcement Agents Paul Rabinowitz and Lee Brown
with Traffic Supervisor Mohammad Rahman

There are few things more aggravating than grid lock.  Drivers become frustrated when they are moving at a crawl, pedestrians become frustrated when they have to take their lives into their own hand crossing a blocked intersection and neighbors become frustrated when they have to listen to the endless sound of horns honking.

Here on Broadway, the intersection at Broome Street can become congested and even grid locked with drivers trying to get to the toll free Holland Tunnel.

SBI Board Members Mary Rolland and Richard Lehrer

SBI Board Members Mary Rolland and Richard Lehrer

Mary Rolland (long-time resident, artist, real estate broker and SBI Board Member) along with Richard Lehrer (long-time resident, dentist and SBI Board Member) reached out to the City about the frequent congestion experienced at Broadway and Broome.  After multiple attempts and conversations, Mary Rolland was able to connect the Initiative staff with NYPD Traffic Manager Donald Powe and his team responsible for keeping traffic flowing in lower Manhattan.

Manager Powe met with the Initiative to learn about our concerns and quickly took steps to improve conditions at this intersection.  He worked with Traffic Supervisor Mohammad Rahman to find the right team for the intersection who brought in Traffic Enforcement Agents Lee Brown and Paul Rabinowitz to be a steady presence at this intersection.

Here at the Initiative, we know that the NYPD Traffic division is a critical part of the community whose hard work and dedication keeps traffic flowing through lower Manhattan and along Broadway.  We give a special thank you to the NYPD Traffic division, Traffic Manager Donald Powe, Traffic Supervisor Mohammad Rahman and their team for their efforts to make Broadway a safe and secure part of Lower Manhattan.

The Initiative will continue to keep a watchful eye on the intersection.  We also thank Mary Rolland and Richard Lehrer for their persistence and vigilance in finding the right people to take care of traffic at the intersection of Broadway and Broome.

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