On Saturday, January 23rd, the New York area welcomed Winter Storm Jonas. After all was said and done, the storm left 26.8” of snow in Central Park, the second highest snowfall in New York City’s history.
For a brief moment, New York City came to a standstill, SoHo became SnoHo.
Following the storm, the Department of Sanitation, property owners, retailers and the Initiative’s Clean Team worked furiously to clear away the snow from the roadway and sidewalks. Starting on Sunday, the Clean Team worked to clear snow from the District’s 24 crosswalks, 7 bus stops, 31 fire hydrants and 30 trash receptacles. By Monday morning, SoHo Broadway was ready to get people where they needed to go. For the next few days, the Clean Team worked to maintain and broaden crosswalks and continue to improve mobility throughout the district.
The Initiative thanks the DSNY, property owners and retailers for their hard work following the storm. The Initiative gives a special thanks to the Initiative’s Clean Team and ACE who tirelessly took care of SoHo’s Broadway during and following this historic snow event. After the snow removal was complete, the Initiative hosted a pizza party to thank the Clean Team and ACE for their hard work cleaning up after the storm.
Thank you SoHo Broadway for sharing your photos! Send more photos to info@sohobroadway.org or show them on Twitter: #SnowHo #snowhobroadway